


“医学倡导”是学生社团的典范,南希·费德曼说, 社区参与中心主任. “It has multiple arms and its leadership encourages other students to take ownership of projects while providing mentorship." You might even say the club is a bit like the fictional football midfielder, 罗伊·肯特, in the series Ted Lasso; it’s here, 它的存在……, 剩下的你可能知道了!

阿什利·L. 26号组织了献血活动并捐了血.

     阿什利·L. '26帮助协调

In early 2月, the club ran a Blood Drive in the Community Room piloted by member 阿什利·L. ’26 that collected enough vital fluid to make a vampire swoon—AND save up to 93 lives. 在低年级,在俱乐部联合主席马修·W. 1924年,成员乔纳森·E. ' 26和卡米拉M. ’27 led the team—with the help of 1st graders—in assembling over 130 welcome packages which they delivered to the Oakland Children’s Hospital to help newly admitted patients feel more at home. 看看 一个mg电子试玩app欢迎套餐项目的精彩视频 卢卡斯·D. 25岁,俱乐部两名社交媒体经理之一. 此外,医疗倡导俱乐部的领导与Saskia S. 24岁的她还担任社交媒体经理,她带来了Swab4USA, 由学生主导的Be the Match活动, to campus as Swab4HRS to help grow the registry of blood stem cell and bone marrow donors. They’re also developing a health curriculum to deliver to 较低的学校 students. 这只是他们所做的部分工作.

他们组织的项目数量之多, 考虑到这些学生也要上七门课, 参加体育运动, 学生会, 美术和表演艺术项目, 甚至可能有一份兼职工作, 是让mg电子试玩app这些凡人感到困惑吗. 

“There’s a medical advocacy movement on campus and I attribute it to student leadership!女士惊叫道。. Feidelman. ”Not only is it so thoughtful and so robust but it is also steeped in mentorship which will ensure its sustainability.”

马修·W. 24年,医疗倡导组织联合主席,献血.

     马修·W. '24,

咪咪Y. 1924年,医学倡导俱乐部的两位联合主席之一

    咪咪Y. 24,其中之一

今年的团队由马修W. 24和咪咪Y. ’24, two seniors who are passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of others, 包括他们的继任者. They are confidently passing the thriving organization’s governance into the hands of younger yet equally engaged members of the 上学校 community—乔纳森·E. ' 26和Ebube O. ’25. This is not luck; it’s leadership.

马太福音 and Mimi took over the club this year from Iyobosa Enabulele ’23—now a Bachelor of Science Candidate for Human Biology and Research Assistant at the Brain Dynamics Lab in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford—and both attribute a healthy portion of their interest in participating to Iyobosa’s leadership. 据女士说. 费德尔曼自2021年俱乐部成立以来一直担任俱乐部的顾问, Iyobosa furthered the scope of the club from her predecessors as she was interested in examining the social determinants of health, learning about what they were and how to improve health by changing behaviors, 然后把学到的东西教给更年轻的学生. Mimi and 马太福音 helped deliver the club’s health curriculum to 7th grade students last year.

“From the registration drives 马太福音 and Mimi consistently hosted to the weekly club announcements they delivered at 上学校 meetings, 我见证了他们对Swab4HRS倾注的爱和关怀. 大四的时候, I had no doubt that they’d grow 医疗宣传 with the same love and passion. It has truly been an honor and privilege to watch them lead 医疗宣传 over the past year,Iyobosa想.

乔纳森·E. '26解释说,他对医疗倡导的热情是出于个人原因.

    乔纳森·E. '26

虽然领导地位对一些成员来说是一种诱惑, 每个人都有自己参与其中的原因. 乔纳森·E. 26岁的我通过一段深刻的个人经历接到了这个电话. Drawn to the opportunity to increase the number of bone marrow donors—a gift he was able to provide his older brother Tristan two years ago—Jonathan became involved through the Swab4HRS program. This 医疗宣传 initiative spun off from a nationwide effort called Swab4USA, 这是一个由学生领导的组织,旨在支持Be the Match, a national nonprofit that helps cure over 70 diseases including blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma by matching blood stem cell and bone marrow donors with patients in need. 特里斯坦需要骨髓移植的时候, 乔纳森很般配, and he went through the life-saving process of having his bone marrow harvested for his brother. “After such intense changes in my life, I realized I want to do more now,” he shared. 

的咪咪, 和马修一起工作是吸引我的地方之一, 组织的范围也是如此. Acknowledging Iyobosa’s efforts to expand programs into different divisions last year, 咪咪想要在这个框架上继续发展, 注意到他们去年对mg电子试玩app生所做的工作. No surprise that she is interested in pursuing medicine in college and is considering pediatrics.

Camilla reflected that the cross-collaboration with other clubs on campus was fulfilling and for her, being a part of one of the most productive clubs at Head-Royce was very satisfying. 不过比起医学,她更喜欢法律, she affirmed her interest in staying involved with the club and continuing to advocate for better health. 

马太福音, 一个朴实的团队力量源泉, 咪咪也有同感, noting that Iyobosa had laid such a strong foundation that he wanted to continue bringing medical advocacy programs to additional divisions, 包括低年级, 来影响尽可能多的人.马修微笑着解释着他们所取得的成就, sharing his excitement to roll out a new health initiative they’ve developed for 4th grade students to teach them about four areas of health: mental, 物理, 知识, 和社会. 他还为他们拥有“一支如此强大的未来领导者团队”感到自豪.他也在考虑在大学里攻读家庭医学或心理学专业.

Research consistently shows that initiatives driven by passionate young leaders not only raise awareness but also actively contribute to better health practices and outcomes within communities. And the 医疗宣传 Club at Head-Royce embodies the transformative power of youth advocacy. Guided by mentors like Nancy Feidelman and inspired by former leaders like Iyobosa Enabulele, current leaders like 马太福音 and Mimi continue to pave the way for future generations. 他们致力于扩大健康教育, 促进健康, and fostering a culture of empathy and service sets a powerful precedent for youth advocacy worldwide. 当他们把他们的遗产传给年轻的成员, 医疗倡导俱乐部的影响将会持续下去, 在海德-罗伊斯社区和其他地方留下了持久的印记.